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Activities With Morris the Moose

"Morris the Moose" is a book about a moose who thinks that each animal he meets is a moose just like him. When reading this book to your class, you can create some activities for the children to do to help them understand the book. Encourage the young children to pay attention and try their best by awarding some prizes like stickers or small toys to each activity winner.
  1. Easy Activities

    • For an easy activity, plan a game of moose memory by printing several pictures of different types of moose. Print two identical pictures of each moose. Laminate the pictures to make them more durable. Place the pictures face down and let the children play a game of match. Tell the children the pictures have to be an exact match to count. If a child finds a match, she keeps it and goes again. The player with the most matches at the end of the game wins. For a variation, allow the children to play in teams. Each team takes a turn trying to find a match and the team with the most matches wins the activity.

    Compare and Contrast Activities

    • Print several pictures of animals to show the children. Help the children point out certain differences in the animals, such as if it has horns, how many legs it has or what color the animal is. After helping the children, give each child two pictures and have him write down as many differences as he can about the two animals. To make this into a game, award a prize to the child who can find the most differences between the two animals. The children can also name any similarities between the two animals.

    Quiz Activities

    • Give each child a sheet of paper and a pencil. Read questions about the book "Morris the Moose" to the children. Ask questions like, "How is the cow different from Morris the Moose?" and "Why did Morris think the cow was a moose?" If the children are too little to write down answers, ask the questions aloud and award a small price for each correct answer.

    Fun Moose Activities

    • Plan an exciting moose game by having the children sit in a circle. Give one child a plush moose and play music. Have the children pass "Morris the Moose" around the circle. When they music stops playing, the player holding the moose is out of the game. Start the music and keep playing, while eliminating one player each round. The last player left in the game wins "Morris the Moose." For another activity, have the children hide their eyes and hide the plush moose around the play area. The child who finds the moose wins a small prize. Keep hiding the moose and awarding small prizes to the children for finding him. © HT Games