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Dolphin Games for Children

Many children find dolphins intriguing due to their playful personality and positive human interactions. When planning a dolphin-themed party or teaching your students in class about dolphins, create some games about the mammals to keep children entertained. A few supplies and some dolphin game ideas are all you need to get started. For added fun, award all game winners with dolphin stickers and temporary tattoos.
  1. Dolphin Beanbag Toss

    • Print or draw a picture of a dolphin with his mouth open on a large poster board. Tape the picture to the bottom of a cardboard box and cut out the opening to the dolphin's mouth. Lean the box up against a wall and mark a line 6 feet from the box. Give the children beanbags to try to toss into the dolphin's mouth. For added fun, use fish-shaped beanbags or color the beanbags to look like fish. Award a small prize to each child who makes a "fish" in the dolphin's mouth.

    Dolphin Corners

    • Explain to the children how dolphins send frequencies by clicking to communicate with other dolphins. Select one child to be the "dolphin" and have her sit in the middle of the room. Blindfold the "dolphin" and have the other players or "fish" run around the outside of the room. When the "dolphin" says "Stop," the "fish" must stand in the nearest corner. The "dolphin" must clap two times and the "fish" must respond by clapping three times. The "dolphin" must point to corner she thinks the most fish are in by the sound of the clapping. All players in that corner are out of the game. Keep playing until only one player remains, or just play as a fun activity.

    Dolphin Ring Toss

    • Use an inflatable dolphin for a game of ring toss. Inflatable dolphins are available at some pool supply stores and online. If the dolphin has a long, skinny nose, the children can try to toss rings on his nose. If the dolphin's head and nose are solid, toss the rings around his neck. Use plastic pool rings or make your own rings using rope and duct tape.

    Dolphin Relay Race

    • If you have a swimming pool, try a dolphin relay race. Divide the players into two teams. Have the teams line up at one end of the pool and give the first player in each team line an inflatable beach ball. When you say "Go," the first player in each team line must swim to the other end of the pool and back. He must push the inflatable beach ball with his nose the entire time. He passes the ball to the next player in line, who must do the same thing. The first team to finish the dolphin relay race wins. If you're at school or don't have access to a pool, have the children get on all fours and push the beach ball on the ground using their nose. © HT Games