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Powers & Weaknesses in Pokemon

The "Pokemon" games are popular among both children and young adults. They can be played via trading cards or, more commonly, on many game consoles. All Pokemon characters are assigned a type, each having strengths and weaknesses against other types in attack. When choosing which Pokemon to use in battle, you should choose one that has an advantage over your opponent.
  1. Fire Pokemon

    • Fire Pokemon are particularly effective against Grass, Ice, Bug and Steel enemies. Their advances are weak against Water, Rock, Dragon and other Fire Pokemon. Examples of Fire-type Pokemon are Charmander, Charizard and Ninetales.

    Psychic Pokemon

    • Psychic Pokemon are especially powerful against Fighting and Poison Pokemon. Their attacks have less effect against Steel and other Psychic-type Pokemon, and have no effect on Dark-types. Examples of Psychic-type Pokemon are Abra, Alakazam and Mew.

    Water Pokemon

    • Water Pokemon are very effective against Fire, Ground, and Rock Pokemon. They are not effective against Grass, Dragon and other Water-types. Examples of Water-type Pokemon are Squirtle, Wartortle, Poliwhirl, Slowpoke and Kingler.

    Electric Pokemon

    • Electric Pokemon should be used against Water and Flying enemies. They are not very effective against Grass, Dragon or other Electric enemies. They have no effect on Ground-type Pokemon. Examples of Electric-type Pokemon are Pikachu, Raichu and Magnemite.

    Grass Pokemon

    • Grass-type Pokemon are an excellent choice in battle against Water, Ground and Rock Pokemon. Their attacks are not very effective against Fire, Poison, Flying, Bug, Dragon or other Grass Pokemon. Examples of Grass-type Pokemon are Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Gloom and Jumpluff.

    Ice Pokemon

    • Ice Pokemon are most powerful against Grass, Ground, Flying and Dragon Pokemon. The Ice Pokemon's attack will not be very effective against Fire, Water, Steel or other Ice-type Pokemon. Examples of Ice-type Pokemon are Dewgong, Jynx and Weavile.

    Fighting Pokemon

    • Fighting Pokemon are very effective against Normal, Ice, Rock, Dark and Steel Pokemon. Their attacks are less effective when facing Poison, Flying, Psychic and Bug Pokemon. The Fighting-type has no affect on Ghosts. Examples of Fighting-type Pokemon are Poliwrath, Mankey, Pignite and Mankey.

    Poison Pokemon

    • Poison Pokemon are especially powerful when fighting against Grass Pokemon. They are weak when attacking Ground, Rock, Ghost and other Poison-types. They have no effect against Steel Pokemon. Examples of Poison-type Pokemon are Ekans, Nidorino and Grimer.

    Ground Pokemon

    • The Ground-type of Pokemon are very effective against Fire, Electric, Poison, Rock and Steel Pokemon, whereas their attacks against Grass and Bug Pokemon are less effective. This type of Pokemon has no affect on Flying-types. Examples of Ground-type Pokemon are Sandshrew, Sandslash, Golem and Diglett.

    Flying Pokemon

    • Flying Pokemon will be a good choice when fighting against Grass, Fighting, and Bug-types. They are weak against Electric, Rock, and Steel-type Pokemon. Examples of Flying-type Pokemon are Pidgey, Pidgeot and Noctowl. © HT Games