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Games for 7-Year-Old Children

Encourage kids to broaden their ways of thinking by introducing fun games that require no electronic stimulation. Head outdoors and play a game with few materials and rules. Spend an afternoon indoors playing board, card and puzzle-book games and enjoy communicating with one another rather than a video-game device.
  1. Jenga

    • Take advantage of a rainy day playing indoor games that allow kids to practice hand-eye coordination and strategic thinking. Jenga by Hasbro is one game suiting these purposes. Begin by stacking all the presented blocks into a single tall rectangle tower and packing them together. Players take turns removing wood blocks one at a time from the structure without collapsing the tower. Intended for ages 6 and up. Enjoy alone or with a group.

    Reader Rabbit Math

    • Reader Rabbit Math enables 6 to 9-year-olds to have fun with fundamental math skills. Kids can play alone against the computer or together with an opponent. In this game Reader Rabbit and his animated team of friends teach kids and help hone addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills. Several levels of play apply. New areas open up to play as children progress and improve.

    Blind Snakes

    • Spend a warm afternoon outside playing active water games. Blind Snakes requires few materials and little setup. Prior to starting, set various sprinklers up around the yard. Create a pathway between these sprinklers and point it out to all players. Instruct all participants to line up at the designated start, blow a whistle or shout "Go!" and watch the mayhem unfold. The first person to cross the finish line not wet wins that round.

    Big Foot Relay

    • Encourage young ones to vent excess energy by going outside and running around with a sibling or friends. Several fun and easy games are available with simple rules. Big Foot Relay is one such game that offers players a physical challenge. Instruct each participant to bring two tissue boxes. Remove enough tissues to make room for a foot, then stuff additional tissue or newspaper into the front and sides securing feet for racing. Tape over excess opening on top of box with cardboard or paper so feet fit snugly inside box. Mark start and finish lines with colored chalk and wave a flag as the winner crosses the finish line. © HT Games