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Summer Youth Water Games

Whether you are planning an event for a youth group or a birthday celebration, keep the kids cool with outdoor water games. From water balloons to a game of water limbo, the kids will enjoy getting wet and cooling down while interacting with one another. Give water toys, squirt guns and packages of water balloons to all winners to keep the kids interested in playing the games.
  1. Water Bottle Games

    • Play a game of water bottle bowling by dividing players into two teams and filling 10 buckets or large bottles (same size) with water for each team. Place the buckets in a triangle to resemble bowling pins and put the triangles about 20 feet apart. One player for each team rolls a basketball toward opponents' pins, trying to knock over the buckets or splash as much water out of the buckets as they can. After each player has rolled, the team that knocks the most water out wins. Another water bottle game is a relay race. Divide players into two teams and put out a large bucket of water. Give each team a small soda bottle and have one player lie down with the bottle on his forehead. Teams take turns filling the bottles up with small cups by running from a starting line to their teammate. The first team to fill up the bottle wins.

    Water Toy Games

    • Tell the players to select a partner for this game, and give each pair a spray bottle, ping-pong ball and plastic cup. Have one player hold the spray bottle and the other player place the ping-pong ball in the cup. Partners must stand six feet apart. When you say, "Go," they spray water into the plastic cup. The first team who fills the cup enough to make the ping-pong fall out wins. Another options is to give everyone a water gun and a white T-shirt. Fill the guns with water tinted with food coloring, and tell the kids to spray each other. Everyone can see where he has been hit by the colors on his shirt.

    Water Balloon Games

    • Cut the bottom out of bleach bottles and make the openings a little bigger by cutting each to resemble a scoop. Place tape around the edges. Have the kids select a partner and give each team a bleach bottle. Fill up water balloons and place them in a bucket. The teammate who does not have the bucket must grab a water balloon. Players stand facing each other five feet apart. When you say "Toss," teammates try to toss the balloon in the bucket without it popping or hitting the ground. If the team misses or the balloon pops, both players are out. Each team that catches the balloon must take a giant step back and toss again. The team who can throw the water balloon from the furthest distance and catch it wins. Another water balloon game is to just toss water balloons back and forth. The pair who can toss a water balloon the farthest without dropping it or it popping wins.

    Water Hose Games

    • Have an adult spray a stream of water for kids to limbo underneath. Each time every player goes under the water line, lower the water line two inches. The player who can go the lowest without getting wet wins. Guests can also play water hose tug-o-war by placing a plastic swimming pool in the play area. The first team to be dragged into the pool loses. © HT Games