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Fun Youth Games

Numerous youth games can be played with large or small groups, indoors or outdoors, at parties, in the classroom or just for fun on a day off. Youth games can promote friendship, team work and good sportsmanship between classmates, siblings, cousins and members of organized youth groups.
  1. Signs

    • Instruct the players to sit in a wide circle and choose one individual to stand in the middle. Each player, including the one in the middle, must choose a sign such as winking, scratching the nose, tapping the leg or patting the head. Go around the circle and have all the players show their sign to the group. The player in the middle will then close her eyes. A player in the circle will start the game by making his sign and then the sign of the person he wants to pass it to. The person whose sign was made must accept the pass by making his or her own sign. The player in the middle uncovers her eyes and tries to discover who has the sign. The other players continue to pass it around the group by first making their sign and then the sign of the person they want to pass it to. The person caught with the sign takes the place in the middle of the circle.

    Water Volleyball

    • Set up a volley ball net, or a badminton net for younger children, in an outdoor area. Divide the players into evenly numbered teams, and each team into pairs. Give each pair a towel and instruct players to grab the ends and hold the towel so it is stretched out. A pair from one team will serve by placing a water balloon in the towel and tossing it over the net. The other team tries to catch the balloon in a towel without breaking it. The balloon is passed back and forth until it breaks. The team that breaks the balloon loses a point.

    Chair Shuffle

    • Form a tight circle by placing chairs side by side. Include the same number of chairs as players. Choose one player to stand in the middle while the others take a seat. There should be one empty chair. The player in the middle will then hurry around the circle and try to sit in the empty spot. The other players will try to prevent this by scooting into the empty seat before the middle player can sit down. If the middle player successfully sits down, the player who failed to block the seat is now in the middle.

    Circle Slap

    • Instruct the players to sit on the ground in a circle and place both hands, palms down, on the floor in front of themselves. Start the game by slapping the ground once with your left palm. Instruct the players to pass the slap clockwise around the circle. Explain that the direction of the slaps can be changed by any player who slaps the ground with the same hand twice in a row. Any player who slaps early, late or in the wrong direction has to remove that hand from the circle. A player who has lost two hands is out of the game. © HT Games