In the game of Telephone, all the kids sit in a circle. One child will think of a secret phrase and whisper it in the ear of the kid to his left. The children will continue to pass the message along until it gets to the last player, who will say the message out loud. Through the course of this game, the message will usually become distorted, so the final message is usually a wacky variation on what was actually said.
Blob Tag
This wacky variation of traditional tag can turn ordinary kids into a giant monster. Blob Tag begins with two players acting as "It," or in this case "The Blob." The two players in "The Blob" must lock their arms together and cannot break apart. When a player is tagged, he must lock arms and become part of "The Blob" as well, making it grow in size. Since only the players on the end can tag another player, everyone must work as a team to move "The Blob" around and tag more kids.
Musical Sprinkler Freeze
Musical Sprinkler Freeze is a wacky game for a hot summer day, as it leaves the kids soaking wet and rolling with laughter. Turn on the sprinkler and turn up the radio. Let the kids dance and play and move their bodies in goofy ways. When you turn off the music, everyone has to immediately freeze. Not only does this make the players end up in funny poses, but all the kids get soaked by the sprinkler when they hold still.
Mother, May I
In Mother, May I one player is chosen as Mother and stands at one end of the play area. The rest of the players line up on the other side of the play area. Each player takes a turn asking Mother if they can take a certain number of steps forward such as "Mother, may I take three steps forward?" Mother can either say "Yes, you may" or "No, you may not" which is followed by instructions that the other player must follow instead. This game can be wacky as Mother tells the others to do funny things like twirl around, walk like a monkey or waddle like a duck.