Beanbag Race
A beanbag race is one that is good when you have a group of kids like at a party or youth group event. First, make a starting line and a finish line. These can be lines made with tape or with rope. The lines can be closer together for young toddlers or farther apart for older children. Then divide the children into two teams and pick a child per team to go first. Have each place the beanbag between his knees and waddle to the finish line like a penguin. The goal is not to drop the beanbag. Upon dropping the beanbag pick it up and start again. Once the player passes the finish line, he will race back, and hand the next player the beanbag. The first team to finish wins.
Animal-Themed Beanbag Toss
This game is good for fairs, carnivals, or small groups of kids. For this activity, you will need a large box, animal picture, poster board same size as box top, craft knife, tape, and beanbags. Tape a large picture of an animal or bird on the poster board such as a dog, cat, crow, or lion with a large mouth to throw the beanbag through. Chose beanbag colors like white to represent a bone or milk, or yellow to present corn. Cut the mouth out of both the box and picture at the same time. Prop the box against something so that it is laying face up, not flat, and slightly angled. The object of the game is to throw beanbags through the mouth of the animal. This game is playable for points. Assign each successful attempt one point. The player with the most points wins or another option is to award small prizes for the number of beanbags that get in.
Hot Potato Game
The hot potato game is good for hand and eye coordination and laughs. All you need to play this game is a beanbag, music, and some kids. Have the kids sit in a circle. Start playing some music. Players pass around the beanbag as quickly as they would a hot potato. Then when you chose, stop the music. The person left holding the hot potato is out. Continue playing the game until one person remains and is the winner.
Beanbag Obstacle Course
In this game children will maneuver through an obstacle course while carrying a bean bag. The trick is that you cannot carry the bag with your hands. Carry it between your wrists, balance it on your head, or place it between the knees. Set up an obstacle course using boxes, baskets, chairs, or cones. This game aids in coordination and motor skills and is playable with small and large groups of children. To determine a winner, time the kids to see who completes the course the fastest.