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Creative Games for Children to Do at Home

Encourage the development of creative skills in your child through stimulating and inspiring game play at home. According to BrainyChild, children who are imaginative and creative in their play are efficient problem solvers and budding innovators. You don't need special skills or expensive equipment -- just time, patience and plenty of imagination. Above all, bringing out the creative flair in your child should be fun for you both.
  1. Storytelling

    • Enjoying books with children is a rewarding activity. Take that enjoyment a step further by exploring the ancient art of storytelling. Gather together a wide variety of props, random objects from around the home will do. Invent a story with the children incorporating these props. Each member of the group takes a turn to pull a prop from a bag or box and includes it as he invents the next part of the story. The tale will take twists and sometimes humorous turns; the important thing is to stimulate young imaginations.

    Junk Modeling

    • Making three-dimensional (3-D) junk models requires imagination, invention and problem-solving abilities. Collect cartons, packaging, cardboard tubes and interesting, clean items of household garbage. Have the child decide on a theme, for example a spaceship, robot or pirate ship. Before she starts modeling have her think carefully about what form her model will take and what functions it will perform. Use white glue, tape, string or any suitable method to assemble the parts of the model.

    Making Music

    • Encourage the child to make homemade instruments such as shakers, drums, whistles and percussion instruments from everyday items and use them to put on a show at home for the family. Ask him to think of a name for his band and choose other band members from his friends or family to join him in the performance. Get him to select a song to play or write one of his own. Have him design costumes and make posters or fliers to advertise the show.

    Creative Cooking

    • Let the child imagine she is running her own restaurant. Have her take charge of planning and creating a meal for the family. Get her to plan the menu, organize buying groceries, arrange the table setting and cook the meal. Depending on her age and ability give her whatever help she needs in the kitchen and make sure she is safely supervised. Let her take your order and enjoy serving her 'guests'. © HT Games