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Fun Little Girl Games

Parents are always looking for fun games for little girls to play. Games are played at sleepovers, birthday parties and other celebrations where little girls gather together. Games ideal for little girls are games that are fun, easy to play and keep their attention.
  1. Nail Polish Spin Game

    • Games including nail polish intrigue little girls. For this game, have the girls sit around in a circle on the floor or at a table. Place several bottles of different colored nail polishes in the middle of the circle. The girls take turns spinning a bottle of nail polish. The first girl spins the first bottle. Whoever it is pointing at must paint one of her nails with that bottle. The next girl spins the next bottle and so on. To extend the game, have the girls also paint their toenails. The game continues to play until all girls have painted all of their fingernails and toenails if desired.

    Pin the Lips on the Boy

    • Choose a large poster of a famous boy the little girls are familiar with. Boys from Disney movies work well. Prior to the game starting, give each girl a piece of paper that contains a picture of a set of lips. The girls color the lips and cut them out. This game is played like pin the tail on the donkey. On the first girl's turn, blindfold her and attach double stick tape to the back of her set of lips. Spin her around a few times and then she places the lips on the poster. Each girl takes a turn and whoever places their lips closest to his lips wins.

    Truth or Dare

    • Truth or dare is a game that is suitable for people of all ages. For little girls, truth or dare is an appropriate, fun game they will all enjoy. Place the girls in a circle. The girls take turns asking each other truth or dare. The players take turns going around the circle. If a girl chooses truth, she is asked a question that she must answer truthfully. If she chooses dare, she must perform a dare that they are instructed to do. Prior to the game, print off a list of appropriate truths and dares and give each girl the list. Appropriate truth questions include what boy she thinks is cute and what subject in school she likes best. Dares include having the girl run around the circle three times or do 10 jumping jacks.

    Blind Makeover

    • The blind makeover game is a hilarious game that little girls enjoy and works best for girls over the age of 6. Divide the girls into pairs. One member of the pair is blindfolded. The blindfolded girl gives her partner a makeover with several types of makeup. After she is finished, they switch places. The fun part is seeing the girl's reactions when they see the faces of the girls with the makeup on. © HT Games