Wheelbarrow Race
Divide the children into pairs and line them up on one end of a field. When you say "Go," one partner puts his palms flat on the ground while the other partner grabs his ankles, pulling his body off the ground. The partner with his hands on the ground uses his hands as feet while his counterpart keeps his body up. The first pair to make it to the finish line at the opposite end of the field wins.
Lederhosen Dance
Gather enough different colored pairs of shorts -- pretend they're lederhosen -- for each child to wear, minus one. The one child left out becomes the guesser. When ready, assemble the children in an open space and play some polka music. Have the children with lederhosen dance around the guesser for about 20 seconds. Take the children away to a separate location and ask the guesser to remember which child wore which color shorts. Once he guesses correctly, he switches places with another child. To make the game harder, instead of different-colored lederhosen, tape letters of the alphabet to the lederhosen and make the guesser pick out which player has which letter.
Root Beer Chugging Contest
Sit all of the participating children at a long table. Put in front of each child a glass mug full of root beer. When you say "Go," all the players grab their mugs and chug the root beer as fast as they can. The first player to finish off her root beer wins the game. To make the game more challenging, give the contestants three root beers instead of only one.
Alp Horn Music
For this game, create the classic German alphorn with a long PVC pipe. Glue a curved piece of plastic to one end of each pipe and paint it all brown. Each child has to think of a song and then blow through the pipe to present the melody to the rest of the players. The players then raise their hands to guess the song. If a player guesses correctly, she gets a point. Let the kids take turns playing on the "alphorn" until everyone has had a turn. The person with the most points at the end wins the game.