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Fun Activities With Dora for Kids

"Dora the Explorer" is an animated cartoon featured on Nickelodeon about a young girl who goes on adventures to solve mysteries, save her friends and travel through magical lands. When planning a party or teaching your children about Dora, use your imagination to create fascinating activities that keep restless children interested in learning more. Exuberant kids and a few supplies are all you need to get started.
  1. What's In Dora's Backpack?

    • Fill a purple backpack with items, such as a jar of bubbles, a rubber ball, crayons, hair bows and plastic animals. Have each kid stick her hand in the backpack without looking to feel the items. If she can guess an item correctly, she wins a prize.

    Puzzle Stones

    • Dora loves solving puzzles and mysteries, so cut several different-shaped puzzle pieces out of gray felt to resemble stone puzzle pieces. Place the "stones" randomly on the ground and put out one less stone than there are children. Play the "Dora the Explorer" theme song and have the kids jump from stone to stone. When the music stops, each kid must find a stone to stand on and the child without a stone is out of the game. Keep playing until only one player remains on a stone; this child is the winner of the game.

    Binoculars Craft

    • Children can make their own pair of Dora binoculars using two empty toilet paper rolls, colored plastic wrap, glue and rubber bands. Tell the children to glue the two toilet paper rolls together side by side. Then they can place colored plastic wrap on the ends of the tubes and hold each piece in place with a rubber band. Give the children glitter pens, markers and Dora stickers to decorate their binoculars.

    Dora's Friends

    • Print pictures of all the characters from "Dora the Explorer" and glue each picture to a paper plate. Write the names or print small pictures and fold them up to put in a bowl. Place the plates on the ground and play the Dora theme song. Have the kids walk around the plate. When the music stops, each child stands on a paper plate. Draw a name from the bowl and the child standing on that Dora character paper plate wins a small prize.

    Pass the Dora Doll

    • All the children sit in a circle. Hand one child a plush Dora doll. Play music and have the children pass the Dora around the circle. When the music stops, the kid holding the Dora doll is out of the game. The last player standing wins the Dora plush doll. © HT Games