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American Girl 300 Wishes Game Directions

American Girl 300 Wishes is a board game by Mattel for up to four girls aged eight to ten. The girls describe their greatest hopes, dreams and emotions by exchanging "wish" cards with their friends.
  1. Game Contents

    • The game consists of:

      4 Wish Diaries

      4 Score Keys

      300 Wish Cards

      The wish cards are divided into four categories:

      Purple cards are about accomplishments and life goals.

      Orange cards are about family.

      Pink cards are about memorable experiences and adventures.

      Green cards are about treasures.

      The game also comes with three blank wish cards, for the players to write their own wishes.

    Set Up and Wish Exchange

    • The players each pick a wish diary, insert the key into the diary's score counter and turn it clockwise to zero. The player then closes the diary. After shuffling the cards, the dealer gives four cards to each player.

      Each player reads her wish cards and gives one wish to each other player on her Wish Receiving Slot. The players have to predict what wishes the other players will like best. Each player will have one extra wish card that is discarded.

      To play the game with three players instead of four, deal each player five cards and exchange two wishes with each player.

    Ranking and Sharing the Wishes

    • After all the players exchange their wishes, each player shuffles her received wish cards so that no one can tell who gave which card. The players read the wishes individually, then rank the wishes in order of most desirable to least desirable. The least desirable wish then goes in the "1 star" slot of the diary, the most desirable goes in the "4 star" slot. Be sure to put the wishes on the "RANK" (left) side of the diary.

      Choose someone to share her wishes first--the order does not matter. Each player explains how she ranked the wish and why. After sharing, each player returns the wish to the person who gave it, who in turn puts it on the "SCORE" (right) side of the diary in the same slot as the other player ranked the wish (e.g., if the player ranked the wish with "2 stars," the player who the gave the wish will place it in her "2 stars" slot on the "SCORE" side of her diary).

      Continue until everyone is done sharing the wishes.


    • Each player then adds up the amount of stars she earned during the round. The player with the most stars earns a total of 3 points, the player with the second most stars earns 2 points, and the third- and fourth-place players each earn 1 point. In the event of a tie, both players earn the same number of points.

      Each player then turns the key inserted in her score counter to reflect the number of points she earned during the round.

    Starting a New Round

    • Discard all the cards used during the first round and keep them separate from the unused cards. Repeat all the steps above for a total of three rounds. The player with the highest score at the end of three rounds wins. © HT Games