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Fun Games for Gym Teachers

Making children do physical activities they do not want to do can become a difficult undertaking. As a gym teacher, you know this better than almost anyone. But it doesn't have to be as hard if you integrate some fun games your students will love playing.
  1. True or False Run

    • A high-energy game from the Kid Activities website starts by dividing the players into two teams. Give each team a goal on either side of the gym and place a line in the middle of the room. Gather the teams to the middle line and name one team True and the other team False. The team members stand behind their assigned sides of the line. Say either a true statement, like, "The sky is blue" or a false statement, like, "The sky is green." If you uttered a true statement, the True team must race to their goal while the False team follows behind them to tag members of the True team who haven't yet reached the goal. If you said a false statement, the reverse happens. A player who is tagged joins the other team. Continue this process until one team is composed of all the students.

    Battle Forts

    • Divide students into two teams to play this mock-battle game suggested on the Fun Attic website. Have the teams create opposing battle forts on either side of the gym using a few gym mats as protective barriers. Create a line on the ground so the players do not cross it. Each team gets the same amount of mats and they can spread them out in any way they choose. Hand each team a set of three balls. When you blow the whistle, the teams begin to throw the balls at their opponents on the other side of the room. A player who is hit must move to a designated area and wait for another player of the opposite team to get struck by an enemy ball before returning to the game. The game can go on as long as you wish (See Reference 2).

    Three-Corner Tag

    • Put a spin on the classic game of Tag by playing this game from the iParenting Fitness website. To begin, select one student to become "It." Divide the rest of the players into teams of three members each. Each team will designate one of the three members to be a target. The target on each team will wear an identifying marker, like a sticky note. Tell the team members to hold onto their teammates' wrists. Instruct "It" to count to 10 while the other players move away from him, still hold grasping wrists. Once "It" reaches 10, he or she must race to the threesomes and try to tag the targets. Each team has to try hide or block the team's target. The winning team is the one that avoids having its target tagged. © HT Games