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Activities for Kids Using Mirrors

For young children, mirrors seem truly magical. After all, it shows them what they have never been able to see before—their own faces. Children, from infants and upward, enjoy playing simple games with mirrors and using mirrors to learn more about the world.
  1. Activities for Infants

    • an infant is entranced by mirrors. Although she does not recognize who the baby in the mirror is, she will stare at the baby and even "talk" to it. Put your infant in front of the mirror for some playtime. Touch each part of your baby&'s body and name it. Your baby will be able to see the body part you are touching in the mirror. Although your baby might not understand your words, she will appreciate your gentle touch and will begin to connect what she feels (you touching her nose) with what she sees (a hand touching the baby&'s nose).

    Activities for Preschoolers

    • A preschooler loves seeing himself in the mirror, and he may stare at a mirror while he moves in front of it. To encourage this curiosity, have your child slowly do several motions in front of the mirror, such as lifting his arm, clapping his hands and bending over. Then have him repeat those motions, with another child or adult pretending to be the person in the mirror. This activity may end in giggles for everyone.

    Activities for Older Children

    • Older kids have lost the intense interest in mirrors that younger kids have, but they can still enjoy more age-appropriate mirror activities. Place a mirror perpendicular to a piece of paper with a simple maze drawn on it, and challenge your child to successfully navigate the maze without looking at the paper at all—simply by looking in the mirror. This is harder than it looks.

      You can also teach symmetry with a mirror. Draw half of a heart, and then place a mirror perpendicular to the paper to see a full heart appear. Encourage kids to make half of other symmetric pictures and check their artwork by using the mirror to see whether the full picture appears. © HT Games