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Water Balloon Games for Youth

Outdoor games are an excellent way to spend summer vacations, and using water balloons adds a cool and refreshing touch. From dodgeball to sling shots, and volleyball to hot potato, using water balloons puts a summer spin on classic kids&' games. Inexpensive and easy to set up, the minimal supplies needed for these games means they are versatile and can be set up quickly.
  1. Simple Water Balloon Games

    • Simple water balloon games require only the water balloons and kids to play with them.

      Most popular is a water balloon variation of dodgeball, in which two teams pelt each other with water balloons. When a team member is hit with a balloon, he or she is out, and the last person standing wins!

      Another simple and fun game is toss, where teams of players pair up and stand in lines facing each other. One team member will toss the balloon to the other member, then each member will take a step back before the balloon is returned. The last team with an un-popped balloon wins.

      A variation of Hot Potato, played with a leaking water balloon, involves the players standing in a large circle and either passing or tossing the balloon amongst each other. The person holding the balloon when it runs out of water is out, and the game continues until there is only one player remaining.

    Competitive Water Balloon Games

    • These water balloon games inspire a bit of friendly competition among players and require a bit more setup than the simpler games. These can involve other props or supplies as well.

      The back-to-back water balloon relay requires two teams of players, with each team divided into pairs. The first pair stands back-to-back, with their arms locked. The team holds a water balloon between their backs, and must walk or run to the finish line of the relay, then drop their balloon in a waiting bucket, all without bursting the balloon. After each pair on a team has taken a turn, the team with the most unbroken balloons wins.

      “Pass the Water Balloon” requires players to hold a water balloon underneath their chin, complete a short relay (with or without obstacles, depending on the level of difficulty you wish to achieve) and pass the balloon to the next player on their team, all without using their hands. If a balloon breaks, the player starts over with a new balloon. Dropping the balloon does not disqualify a player if it doesn’t break, but he or she must pick up the balloon without using his or her hands, return it under his or her chin, and continue the relay. The first team to have all members finish the course wins.

      Water balloon squat requires players to divide into two teams. The players each have a water balloon, which they must race to the other side of the play area, then sit on the balloon and pop it. The player must then race back to the starting line, high-five the next player to complete his or her turn, and play continues. The first team to have each player cross the finish line and pop his or her balloon wins, but balloons must be popped by being squatted or sat upon--they cannot be thrown at the ground or stomped.

    Other Water Balloon Games

    • "Drip, Drip, Drop" gives a summery twist to "Duck, Duck, Goose" by having the players sit in a large circle, with one person walking outside the circle holding a leaking water balloon. The person holds the water balloon over each sitting player&'s head in turn, saying "drip," until he or she gets to the person that would be "goose." Here he or she says "drop!" and the traditional "duck, duck, goose" rules take effect, with the "goose" chasing the other player around the circle.

      "Trouser Stuffin" involves splitting players into teams, and giving each team a large bucket full of water balloons as well as a pair of oversized (typically adult-sized) sweat pants. The team decides which player will wear the sweatpants, and after he or she puts them on, the team must race to stuff the sweatpants full of water balloons within a certain amount of time. Only un-popped water balloons count, so a team can finish first but still lose if they have fewer un-popped balloons than another team. At the end of the game, the team with the most un-popped balloons wins. © HT Games