Throwing the Smile
Sit the students in a circle and inform them that throughout the game they cannot smile or giggle unless it is their turn. Pick a student in the circle and tell him to smile as widely as he can, then wipe the smile off his face using his hand and "throw" it to a random person in the circle. That person catches the smile, moves his hand over his mouth and grins. He then throws his smile to another random person in the circle. Any player who smiles out of turn gets disqualified from the game.
Hot Potato
Gather the children into a standing circle. Turn on some music and hand one of the players a small ball or hacky sack. The players toss the ball from one player to the next as if the ball is extremely hot to the touch. At a random moment, turn the music off. The player left standing with the ball gets disqualified from the game. Turn the music on again and have the players continue tossing the ball around the circle, stopping only when the music shuts off. Eliminate all players left holding the ball whenever the music stops. The last player remaining in the circle wins the game.
Sit the children in a circle and select a student to pick a color of his choice. The student sitting to his left has to name something of that color. For instance, if the child chose "green," others can state things like "grass," "lizard" and "money." This continues around the circle until it reaches the last player, who then picks a different color. The students then name things comprised of the new color. To add competition to the game, eliminate players who cannot think of a new object. The last player remaining in the circle wins the game.