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Types of Preschool Learning Games

Early education includes all of a child's experiences at home, in child care, and in other preschool settings. Parents, childcare centers, and preschools work at preparing children to enter school.

An article in lists skills that a child should know before entering kindergarten. These skills include holding and using a pencil and scissors, dressing himself, interacting with a group of children, and language skills.

With these basic skills needs, a parent or a preschool will be able to work on the skills a child needs to grow, develop, and become school-ready. Preschool learning games are a fun and important way to teach these basic and important skills. Any of the following games may be played with a child and adult, or multiple children.
  1. Changeable Alphabet Game

    • Alphabet

      The Changeable Alphabet Game will teach letter recognition and counting skills. Materials needed: 1 package of alphabet flashcards, pair of dice, marker for each player (small toy or object that fits on flashcards)

      Arrange the flashcards in a path, such as a curvy line, big circle, figure 8, or however the child chooses. Determine beginning and ending places.

      To play the alphabet learning game, child or adult rolls the dice and counts the number of dots on the dice. Move marker that number of spaces along the flashcards. When landing on a flashcard, child or adult must say the name of the letter and a word that begins with that letter. If flashcards have pictures on them, player may say that word, plus another word that begins with the same letter. The winner is the player who gets to the finish line first.

      Change the shape of the flashcard path each time the game is played.

    Find Shape Items

    • Variety of shapes

      Shape-finding games will teach preschoolers to recognize a shape and identify objects that are the same shape.

      Place a variety of shapes in a basket. Have child reach into basket and take out a shape. Encourage her to find something in the area that is the same shape. Examples: Star--"Our clock is a star shape." Square--"The little table has a square top."

    Make-It-Myself Memory Game

    • Preparing this learning game will help preschool children to hold and cut with scissors. Memory games also help children in their memory skills.

      Provide coloring books or reproduced coloring sheets, 2 of each picture. Children will color the pictures they have chosen. Then help children draw a simple line around one or more objects in the picture. Children may cut around the line they have drawn, then glue pictures onto construction paper (use all one color of paper).

      Play a memory game by placing the pictures upside-down on a table. Each person will choose two papers and turn them over to see if they match. Whoever gets two matching pictures gets to keep the pairs until the game is over. Count who has the most pairs at the end of the game.

    What's Missing Game

    • Place several toys or familiar objects on a tray for a remembering preschool game. Give children time to see and touch the items. Then, take the tray away. Have children try to name some of the things on the tray. Bring the tray back and let children see how well they remembered.

      Play the same game, but remove a couple of objects from the tray and see if children can name the missing items.

    Silly Story

    • Reading to child

      Read a preschool child's favorite story to her. Then, read it again, renaming or leaving out important characters or events. Encourage child to correct you when you've changed something. © HT Games