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Games for Boy Scouts

Boy Scouts often face many more dynamic challenges than the average boy in terms of games and activities. This is because of the philosophy of Scouting that guides boys to become responsible and well-trained members of society in all aspects of daily life. Boy Scouts not only enjoy themselves with these games; they often learn valuable lessons.
  1. SPUD

    • Before the game starts, each boy is assigned a number from one to the number of players present. All boys encircle one Scout who holds a bouncy ball in the middle. The boy then throws the ball straight up into the air and shouts out a number that correlates with the numbers the boys have been given prior to the start of the game. The boy whose number is called stays within the circle to catch the ball while all of the other players rush out of the circle. The same boy calls out the word "spud," forcing the other boys to freeze in their spots. The boy then moves toward any Scout of his choosing by taking three large steps only, and throws the ball toward the other boy with the intent of hitting him. The recipient of this throw must try to dodge the ball without moving his feet. If he gets hit, he acquires the letter "S." If the thrower misses, he gets the letter. That same boy will be out of the game if he gets another three hits and can spell out SPUD with the letters he gains. The process continues with the boy who received the "S" getting back in the middle of the circle, throwing the ball and calling out a number. Whoever gets the least number of letters at the end of the game wins.

    British Bulldog

    • Within a play area, have all Scouts but one move to one side. The one player chosen to stay behind is the bulldog in the circle, and when he shouts "British bulldog," all of the other Scouts have to try to make it to the opposite side of the area without getting caught by the bulldog. If the bulldog grabs a boy, he must hoist him up and shout out "1, 2, 3 British bulldog" while the boy is off the ground. That boy, if the prior British bulldog is successful, then becomes a bulldog as well. The game ends when everyone but one person, the winner of the game, is transformed into a bulldog.

    T-Shirt Relay

    • Assemble two teams by dividing the Scouts into equally numbered groups and lining them up. Give each team an oversized T-shirt and have the first member in the line of each team put the shirt on. When the relay begins, the first person must link hands with the person behind him and attempt to pull the shirt over the person without breaking their chain. The process continues down the line and whichever team gets the T-shirt to the end of the line faster wins the game. © HT Games