Things You'll Need
Cut a yard's length of yarn from a spool. Tie the two ends together and trim the excess string. Pull on the string to be sure that the knot is secure and the yarn won't slip. Adults could melt the two ends together by burning them over a match or candle flame.
Run the string across both of your palms. The string should be tucked behind thumbs and pinky fingers.
Use the index finger of your right hand and slide it under the string that is running across your left palm. Don't pull back your hands, keep them close. Using the same finger make a second loop around it. You should now have two loops around your index finger. Slowly pull your hands apart again until the yarn is taut.
Reach with your left index finger, and hook the string that is running across the palm of your right hand. Reach through your newly made loop to pick up your string. Slowly pull your hands apart again until the yarn is taut.
Drop the string hooks from the thumb and pinky finger of your right hand. Pull the hands apart carefully until the strings are nice and tight. You should now see a witch's broom.