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Numbers Games for Kids

Constant review of numbers is necessary to help kids grasp number concepts. Putting mathematics into game form can make numbers much more exciting. If young children are exposed to number games at an early age, they are less likely to experience math phobia later in life. Simple games can be created anytime at home, without many materials. Modifying common games is also another way to incorporate numbers into playtime.
  1. Number Treasure Hunt

    • Kids of all ages love the thrill of a good treasure hunt. The basic idea is to write a clue card, which leads to another clue card, and so on, until the prize is reached. To give it a numbers spin, incorporate math into the clues. For example, a clue may read, "The next clue will come alive when you take 12 times 3 steps to the west, and look up high." Younger children can be given clues with simple numbers, to reinforce counting.

    Jumping Flashcards

    • Number flashcards become a game when you combine it with physical activity. Use whatever cards you have on hand that are skill appropriate and announce to the child that you're going to play a game. Pick a favorite repetitive activity, such as jumping rope, jumping on the trampoline or box jumping. The game is simple. Flash the card and see how many times the child has to jump before she can say the answer. She wins if she can answer five cards in a row with only one jump answers. It's an extremely engaging game because kids get absorbed in the physical action as well as racking their brains.

    Number War

    • This is a spin on the classic card game War. Decide on the number skills the child needs reinforced, such as multiplication. Then instead of laying one card per player down to battle, each player lays two cards down. The players must multiply the two cards, and it's the combined value of each player's cards that are competing. Addition also works well. Interestingly, subtraction is a lot of fun, because usually the player with the highest value cards will lose the round.

    Double 10 Dice Game

    • All you need for this game is pen, paper and five dice. Each player takes turns rolling the dice. Add the numbers rolled on each die, unless you get two of the same number. If that happens, you get that number times 10. For example, if the dice landed on 1, 3, 6, 4 and 4, the points would be 1+3+6+40, for a total of 50. Each player calculates his or her own points. The first player to reach a predetermined number wins. This is a fast-paced game that school-age children and adults really enjoy. © HT Games