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How to Play Rolly Poly

When red rover, hop scotch and tag start to get old, think even harder back to games you played as a kid. Rolly poly is a game that makes you use not only your body but your brain.

Things You'll Need

  • Flat surface (a hill makes it a little harder but you can still play)
  • Small ball (baseball, racquetball, tennis ball)
  • Chalk
  • Two or more players
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  1. How to play rolly poly

    • 1

      Find a flat surface. You will be running so make sure there are no holes or something you can trip on. Also you will need a surface you can write with chalk on, such as a sidewalk or driveway.

    • 2

      The game is set up much like hopscotch where you will be jumping from box to box. You will need to make a grid of at least six boxes, two columns and three rows. Boxes should be at least two feet by two feet. You can make more boxes by adding rows but can only have two columns.

    • 3

      Write a theme in each box. These themes can range from colors, girl names, boy names, states, cities, presidents, sport teams and more.

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      Players must line up at behind the first box, roll the ball into the first box and pick it up before it rolls into another box or off the grid.

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      You must pick up ball and be on one foot. As you hop from box to box, bounce the ball and say a name from the theme. Example: if the first box is a girl's names, you must bounce the ball in box and say "Mary," then follow by jumping into the next box, bouncing the ball and saying "Susan."

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      Once complete, go to end of line. When it is your turn again, you have to roll the ball to the second box and pick up the ball before it rolls into another box. Again, go around the grid bouncing the ball and saying a name from the theme.

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      The goal is to go around the whole grid first. If you cannot think of a name or if you do not pick up the ball before it goes into a different box you have to start at the beginning again.

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      First one to complete all the boxes wins. © HT Games