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Fun Trick Games

Games are used as icebreakers at corporate meetings, parties and the classroom to effectively and enjoyably make a point about a topic students are learning. Trick games usually involve leaving one or more people out of the loop. The games are especially fun for those people who are privy to the joke, but the best tricks are those that leave any "victims" in the mood for laughing, too, once the trick is revealed.
  1. Psychic Guessing Game

    • This game begins with the leader having previously explained the secret of the trick to three accomplices. The leader, claiming special psychic powers, lays out nine equally sized magazines in a 3-by-3 square. The "psychic" leaves the room as everyone in the room decides on which of the nine magazines will be "it." The "psychic" returns, and an accomplice points to a few magazines that are not chosen asking, "Is this it?" Then, before an accomplice points to it, the "psychic" correctly identifies the "it" magazine.

      The trick: The "psychic" has told the accomplices to mentally divide each of the nine magazines into nine parts that correspond to the layout of the nine magazines. The accomplice points to, for example, the upper left corner of the magazine on the lower row of three magazines to indicate that the "it" magazine is the one in the upper left corner. If the "it" magazine is located in the center of the nine magazines, the accomplice would point to the center of any of the other magazines indicating the correct choice.

    The Broom Game

    • There are two leaders in this game. A broom is the only prop needed. The game begins with one leader mysteriously sweeping the floor, the wall, shoes, chairs, whatever is there. At some point the second leader leaves the room after announcing, "Spirit of the broom is broken." The first leader waits a while and holds the broom over one player's head and announces, "The broom hangs". The second leader, from outside the room, calls out the correct name of the person under the broom. The leader returns and this is repeated several times until the trick is discovered.

      The trick: The first person to speak while one leader is sweeping the room will be "It." The leader already know who the broom will hang over before he leaves the room.

    The Murder Game

    • This game will need a leader, an accomplice and a room full of people. An announcement is made that a murder has taken place and the murderer is in this very room. The leader leaves the room while the accomplice tells everyone to choose the "murderer." Once chosen, the leader is called back into the room and correctly identifies the "murderer."

      The trick: The accomplice will subtly mimic the posture and position of the chosen "murderer." The leader will be able to choose the correct person in a matter of seconds.


    • For this trick game you will need one tube of lipstick and one poor victim. In this game, everyone except the unsuspecting victim is an accomplice. Each is warned not to laugh or in another way give away what is happening. The victim is seated in between two participants. Both of these accomplices will have a small amount of lipstick smeared on their fingers. As the game progresses each participant will reach over to a neighbor and randomly touch or pinch her face while saying "Inchypinchywinchy." You can pinch her cheek, nose or chin. You can pull the earlobe or draw a line on her forehead. If a player laughs, he gets a strike. With three strikes he is out of the game. © HT Games