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Simple Scavenger Hunt Games for Youth Meetings

A youth group leader looks for fun and creative ways to teach kids the importance of teamwork and communication. Scavenger hunts provide the group's members with exciting shared adventures of solving clues, finding lists of items and competing in a good-natured way with each other. Starting a youth group meeting with a quick scavenger game sets the tone for an adventuresome evening.
  1. Find Items in Your Group

    • Divide your members into at least two teams, depending on the size of your group. Have the group members sit on the floor facing each other in circles. Announce a list different items you need, and award points to the first team to bring you all of the items. Example items can include a photo of a baby, dental floss, all the shoes in the team tied together or a pair of sunglasses. Be creative with the items on your list, and have music playing while the teams compete to get the items to you.

    Magazine Scavenger Hunt Bingo

    • Create blank bingo cards on sheets of paper. Divide the group up into teams. and give each team one blank bingo card. Ask each team to create a list of words or items that could be found in a magazine; direct them to write down one word or item on each square. Gather all of the bingo cards, shuffle them and pass them out between the teams. The game begins with team members cutting and pasting pictures or words from assorted magazines onto the corresponding squares. The first team to make bingo wins.

    Newspaper Scavenger Hunt List

    • Gather editions of old newspapers and come up with a list of items for team members to find, such as an ad for a restaurant, a photo of a high school student and a headline about an arrest. Grant higher point amounts to difficult-to-find items. Team members can either cut out the items or circle them with a marker. The team who accrues the most points wins.

    House Hunt

    • This game works best when played in a home. Give each team a written clue to start the game. The clue should be a cryptogram or a riddle that leads the team to the next clue located somewhere in the house. Each new clue should lead to another, with the final clue leading to a hidden treasure. The first team to get to the hall closet gets to keep the treasure. © HT Games