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Easy Racing Games for Kids

Young kids like to take part in activities where they can run wild and burn off all that stored energy from the hours of video games and cartoon watching. Make sure they have the opportunity to do just that by organizing some easy and enjoyable races. This type of friendly competition is great for parties or just a play date at the park with all your friend’s youngsters.
  1. Three-Legged Race

    • Divide the kids up in teams of two for a three-legged race. This race requires cooperation and coordination to keep the teammates on their feet. Set up a straight racecourse of whatever length you prefer. About 50 yards will be plenty for most kids.

      Using sturdy rope or other materials, tie the two teammate’s legs together at the ankles and again at the knees. The two kids should be standing shoulder to shoulder when you tie them and facing in the same direction. When the race begins, they will be forced to work together to ensure the outer legs are stepping forward at the same time and the bound legs are moving in unison on the inside. Be prepared for a few tumbles to happen along the way.

    Sack Race

    • The sack race is a classic race for kids that you can spice up a little with some creativity. The typical sack race works by putting each child at a starting line in a large cloth sack. They hop with the sack toward a finish line.

      To make the race more interesting, make the bags more unpredictable and make each child use more than one to reach the finish line. Divide the course into three laps and have the child change bags at the beginning of each lap. The three bags all have a different surprise. One is a plain, empty bag. One bag can be weighted with a sandbag inside and another bag can have inflated balloons inside to make footwork more difficult.

    Dizzy Relay

    • A dizzy relay is a sure way to get kids giggling at a party. Divide race teams into pairs and blindfold the first player. The blindfolded player stands at the opposite end of an open field with the other blindfolded players and bends over, putting his forehead on the end of a baseball bat. When the race begins, the blindfolded players must spin around the bat 10 times and start running (or stumbling) toward their teammate. They will only be able to find them by the sound of their voice yelling out for them. The teammate must wait until he or she is tagged and then run back to the bat, put on the blindfold and repeat the same course. © HT Games