Tug of War
Tug of war is a classic game that tests the sheer brawn of one team against the other. Use a tug of war rope that is at least 50 feet in length, and smooth to the touch to avoid any rope burns. Tie a handkerchief in the middle of the rope. Also place two hash marks 10 feet from the middle of the rope on either side. The first side to pull the handkerchief across one of the hash marks is the winner.
Egg Toss
The egg toss is a game that tests the hand-eye coordination as well as the bravery of the players. Why bravery? Because there is a good chance that half of one team is going to end up with egg on their face. Have each parent pair up with a child. Then have the teams stand 5 feet apart from each other. They must toss the egg to their partner without it breaking. If the egg breaks, then that team is out. After each successful catch, one partner must take a giant step back. The game ends when there is only one team remaining with an unbroken egg.
Sack Race
For the sack race, have each parent pair up with a child. Give each person a burlap sack. Have the children and parents stand 20 yards apart from each other. When the signal is given, have the children sack-hop all the way to their parents and tag them. The parents must then hop back to the starting point to complete the race. If there more participants than sacks, you can run the races in various heats and time the teams until an ultimate parent-child winner is determined.
Three-legged Race
Have each parent pair with a child. Next tie the leg of each parent to the leg of the child with rope. Have all of the teams stand on one starting line with a mid-way point 30 yards ahead. When the signal is given the parents and children must race to the mid-way point and back. The team that crosses the finish line first is the winner.