Build Scarecrows
Prepare for the game by collecting two sets of 6 to 10 items players can use to make a scarecrow. These can include newspaper, old clothes, a broom handle, a pillowcase and so on. In the backyard, hide each of the items in different locations. Divide the players into two equally numbered teams. Start the game by picking one member from each team to search for one item in the backyard. After a player finds the item, he comes back and the next player goes to look for the next item. If playing at night, equip the players with flashlights. Once a team has all of the items, the players build their scarecrow. The first team with a finished scarecrow wins the game.
Scary Story Contest
Before the game begins, come up with some typical opening lines to scary stories; one for every player. Examples include "It was a dark, gloomy night" and "The wind howled against the trees." Write each opener down on a slip of paper, placing them all into a bowl. Sit everyone down in a circle and hand one person the bowl. He picks out a slip of paper and has to come up with a story on the spot starting with the opening line he chose. After all players have had a chance to tell their scary stories, have all of the players vote on their favorite scary story. Whoever gets the most votes wins the game.
Tricks and Treats
Decide on about five to 10 words that relate to Halloween. Examples include "Halloween," "witch," "ghost," "trick-or-treat" and "zombie." On a whiteboard, write down each word. When party guests have all arrived, show them the board and tell them that they cannot say any of the words on the board. Give them a bag of 10 pieces of candy and explain to them that if they do say one of those words, one candy gets taken away from their bag. At the end of the party, the winners get to go home with more candy than those who slipped up and said any of the words written on the board.