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Christian Christmas Party Games for Adults

Christmas is time for cheer and hope, for friends and family. It is a time often celebrated with a party. And like any party, having a few games to entertain the guests often goes over well. For a Christian Christmas party, games for adults to enjoy can be played with a decidedly Christian theme. Many of these games can also be enjoyed by teens and pre-teens.
  1. Who Am I?

    • This game can be a great ice-breaker at parties where everyone doesn't know everyone else. As guests arrive, the host places a name on each guest's back. Simply tape or safety pin a card with a name on it. For a Christian theme, use characters from the Bible. Or you can choose modern day Christians, such as famous evangelists, pop singers, etc.

      To play the game, guests must ask other guests two yes/no questions apiece about the name on the questioner's back. The goal is to be able to guess the name. The host might have small trophies for the first three to guess their identities correctly. Even if not, everyone should continue playing until they have determined their secret identity. The game not only challenges everyone's knowledge of the Bible (or modern day Christians), it encourages talking to everyone because of the two question limit. So your guests will start to mingle.

    Christmas Karaoke

    • Play Christmas Karaoke in an American Idol style. The host might select three judges by randomly drawing names from a hat. Then contestants can be randomly drawn one at a time. To keep with the Christian theme, all songs must be Christian Christmas songs. The judges then cast their votes and make their comments while the rest of the guests can react when they disagree.

      If you don't have a karaoke machine, a piano and a Christmas songbook will make the event more Christmas-like.

    Scavenger Hunt

    • This game can take a while. Form up teams among the guests, typically of no more than four people. A scavenger hunt can be played in more than one way.

      Method one: Hand out a list of Christian items to find, such as a rosary, a crucifix, a cross, a lighted Nativity scene, a house with all blue Christmas lights, etc. Each team must scour the neighborhood to find these things, perhaps requiring they knock on doors. The winning team is the first back with photographic evidence of all the things on the list. Each team will need to have at least one digital camera with them.

      Method two: Hand out a list of clues to locations. The clues need not be too difficult. For instance: "Where we throw out the trash at our house of God." This could refer to the church's dumpster in back. Once the team drives to the clue site, they search the area for a paper plate the host will have taped somewhere. On the plate is a Bible question. The team must record the question number and their answer on a sheet of paper. They then proceed to the next clue site for the next question. The winning team is the first one back with the most correct answers. For this version of a scavenger hunt, teams generally drive as the clue area is often fairly scattered. And each team will want at least one Bible with them to help look up the answers. © HT Games