Introduction Games
The Great Show Hunt helps couples get to know other guests. Everyone takes off his shoes and places one in each of two boxes in separate rooms. The women are ushered into one room and the guys into another, with each group being told to look through the box in the room. As each shoe is brought out, each guest must claim her own shoe. The interaction between the guests allows them to get to know each other.
In the Name Tag Game, each guest is given a copy of the guest list, which has each guest's name written on a sticky label that contains one fact about the guest. The guests are then asked to intermingle without disclosing their names. The object is for each guest to stick correct name tags on the lapels of other guests. The laughs occur when someone is wearing more than one name. End the game with one person from each couple introducing herself to the group.
Funny Games
Truth or Dare can be a favorite but can lead to problems if things become inappropriate. A safer game for friends to play is Answer the Question. Before the party, create questions for guests to answer such as "Where were you last night?" or "Who was your first crush?" Create a set of index cards numbered 1 through 10 to hold each of 10 questions. Write comical answers on the numbered card corresponding with the question. For instance, the answer to "Who was your first crush?" might be "Curious George" or some other nonsensical character. The more outlandish the answer, the better the fun. Pass the cards out to guests, instructing each to read his card only when that particular number is called. Ask the numbered question, and let the guest read the answer.
Creating laughter is the best way to keep a party going, and Playing Dress-up is sure to induce plenty. Prepare two bags of oversize clothes--women's clothes for men and men's clothes for women. The couple who can put on the clothes in their bags in the fastest time wins the game.
Name That Tune
Music can help bring guests together at a party. Divide couples into teams and present each team with a song title. Have each team prepare a two-minute skit acting out the song. The other team must identify the song by the skit being presented. Inspire the team members by suggesting that they recreate a video that corresponds with the song. Variations include using movie or book titles.