Here's how it works:
1. Teams: Players are divided into two or more teams.
2. Cards: Each team has a card with a word to describe and five "taboo" words they cannot use.
3. Turn: One player from each team becomes the "describer." They try to get their team to guess the word on the card, using only their verbal description.
4. Taboo words: The describer cannot use any of the five "taboo" words on the card. They can also not use any words that are synonyms for or closely related to the taboo words.
5. Guessing: The team members must guess the word on the card based on the describer's explanation.
6. Points: The team earns a point if they guess the word correctly.
7. Rotation: After a certain time limit or if the team fails to guess the word, the turn moves to the next team.
Let's say the word is "Elephant." The taboo words might be:
* Trunk
* Big ears
* Grey
* Africa
* Animal
The describer might say things like: "It's a large mammal with a long nose and big ears." They cannot say "trunk," "grey," or anything similar.
The goal of Taboo is to be the team with the most points at the end of the game.
Taboo is a fun and engaging game that tests your vocabulary, creativity, and teamwork skills. It's a great game for parties, family gatherings, or any time you want to have some laughs and good times.