HT Games

Marvel HeroClix Games

Marvel HeroClix is a collectible miniatures game published by NECA and based on characters from Marvel̵7;s line of comic books. Players purchase packs containing a random selection of O-scale plastic miniatures, build teams of characters and face off in tabletop warfare. The popularity of the franchise has led to more than 20 different releases involving Marvel̵7;s characters, and the line remains one of the biggest in the HeroClix portfolio.
  1. HeroClix

    • A HeroClix starter set contains a number of prepainted plastic miniatures, a set of character cards describing the figures and their abilities, a rulebook, dice, tokens and a poster-sized map. Each figure represents a character from the Marvel Universe, and the round base of the figure contains a ̶0;data disc̶1; identifying statistics, such as movement rate, attack and defense power, attack range, and damage dealt. Each figure has a point value corresponding with his relative power level, allowing players to balance teams quickly and easily.

    Game Play

    • Players take turns moving figures, triggering their abilities or making attacks. Each figure can move a number of spaces equal to its current movement rate, attack an opposing figure within range or activate a power. Players resolve attacks by rolling two dice, adding the total to the figure̵7;s attack score and comparing that to the target̵7;s defense. If the attacker̵7;s total is higher, the opposing player turns the base of her figure a number of clicks equal to the opponent̵7;s damage score, indicating wounds. Damage alters the ability scores of the injured character, usually lowering the character's stats, but can also trigger rage or transformations in certain characters with appropriate abilities.


    • The release of multiple expansions, many based around iconic comic book story arcs, means that players have a wide selection of heroes to choose from when building teams. Popular techniques involve replicating comic book teams at different points in their history, such as the original X-Men or Avengers squads, or the Sinister Six from Spider-Man. Players can also develop their own teams of villains and heroes, although archenemies, such as Sabretooth and Wolverine, cannot serve on the same side.

    Other Genres

    • In addition to the Marvel line of HeroClix figures, a number of other figure collections exist. Another popular line comprises the DC Comics pantheon of heroes, and the two lines use compatible rules to allow for multicompany crossovers. In addition, some figures are legal in NECA̵7;s other games, such as the rare ̶0;Marvel Zombies̶1; figures, which are usable in both HeroClix and their companion game, HorrorClix. © HT Games