Game Supplies
To play a game of "Dungeons and Dragons," you must have a few basic game supplies. You need a copy of the most recent edition of the Player's Handbook, as well as a copy of the blank character sheet found in the back of the book. You need a set of roleplaying dice, which have more sides than traditional dice and can be found at hobby shops or bookstores. You will also need some loose paper and a pencil.
Understanding Game Terms
To understand "Dungeons and Dragons," you have to know the lingo. Many game terms are given as abbreviations. For example, HP means"health points, AC is armor class and INT is intelligence. Dice rolls are also described in abbreviated terms with the first digit describing how many dice you roll and the second digit describing what type of dice. Therefore 2d20 means two 20-sided dice. Check the glossary in the back of your Player's Handbook for more information on game terms.
Character Creation
Before you can start playing, you must create your character. Follow the character creation guide in the Player's Handbook to fill in the technical aspects of your character, such as his race, class and special abilities. Other aspects of your character, such as the character's name, back story and personality, are left to your own invention. Talk to your Dungeon Master to create a character that best fits into the setting of the game.
Basics of Roleplaying
In a roleplaying game like "Dungeons and Dragons" the player takes on the role of the character himself. Not only do you describe what your player is doing, you will also talk to other players as your character. Maps are commonly used by the Dungeon Master to give players an idea of the space their characters and inhabiting. Small figurines or other markers are used to indicate a character's position as they move around during combat.