HT Games

The Hamstring Feats in Dungeons & Dragons

"Dungeons &Dragons" is a dice-and-paper roleplaying game developed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and originally published in 1974. Alternatively known simply as "D&D," the game gained mass appeal and swiftly became the predominant roleplaying game. Player characters have a number of abilities and feats based on their class, and the ability Hamstring can be particularly useful to players dealing with enemies who are fleet-footed.
  1. Hamstring

    • Hamstring is a feat that is primarily available to characters with a Rogue base class, or any class that specializes in sneak attacks. This ability is useful in disabling quick enemies or those prone to large amounts of movement.


    • Characters wanting to use Hamstring require the Sneak Attack class ability, and a minimum base attack bonus of +4. Otherwise, they will be incapable of using this ability.


    • If a melee sneak attack is successful, you can choose to ignore the extra sneak attack damage incurred using the sum of two rolled six-sided dice (2d6) and instead reduce your opponent's base speed and movement ability by one half.


    • Hamstring may only be used once per round. On enemies with four legs, two successful Hamstring attacks must be performed to reduce the target's speed. Enemies with more than four legs, or no legs at all are immune to Hamstring, as are creatures immune to sneak attack damage. Only base movement speed is affected, all other speeds such as flying or burrowing are not reduced.


    • Characters afflicted with speed and movement reduction by Hamstring can be cured with a successful difficulty class 15 (DC15) healing check, which results in the injury being bandaged. Cure spells and magical healing can also repair the damage done by Hamstring. If all else fails, normal speed and movement will return to the character after 24 hours have passed. © HT Games