HT Games

How to Find a Cleric's Armor Class in Dungeons & Dragons Fourth Edition

In the fourth edition rules of "Dungeons and Dragons," clerics channel divine energy for martial prowess, healing and defense. These spiritual men-at-arms inspire their fellows with powerful prayers and spiritual abilities that rival even trained sorcerers in their magical potency. Unlike other spell-casters, clerics may wear heavier armor of hide and chain mail; they also gain bonuses from prayers or incantations. A cleric's Armor Class (AC) determines how likely enemies can strike through her protections and damage her body.


    • 1

      Determine the base Armor Class of any gear worn by the cleric. Cloth armor offers a base of zero AC. Leather has a base of two, while hide offers three Armor Class. Chain mail armor rates as an Armor Class of six.

    • 2

      Add the highest of the cleric's Intelligence or Dexterity statistics, if the cleric wears cloth or leather armor. Light armor provides bonuses to intelligent or quick characters.

    • 3

      Combine any bonuses from magical spells, items, prayers or incantations with the total. For instance, a cleric wearing plain leather with a Dexterity of six and a +2 Spell of Shielding has an AC of 10.

    • 4

      Subtract any modifiers such as an enemy's Faerie Fire spell or other armor-decreasing effects. Fourth edition provides fewer of these than previous versions, but enemy shamans and other spell-casters may still reduce the AC. © HT Games