HT Games

How Do I Adapt Fullmetal Alchemist Into Dungeons & Dragons?

Dungeons and Dragons is a role-playing game that is very flexible and easily adapted to different settings. Playing a game set in a world that the players are familiar with is a way to share a story that everyone enjoys; the manga and anime "Fullmetal Alchemist" is an exciting, adventurous place where anything can happen. It's a great place to play Dungeons and Dragons. Modifying your game for a "Fullmetal Alchemist" setting is not difficult, but you must do a lot of preparation before starting your game and be very comfortable with the rules that you are using.

Things You'll Need

  • Dungeons and Dragons rulebooks
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      Choose your rules set. Dungeons and Dragons is currently on its fourth set of rules, though many players enjoy playing with earlier editions, as all editions have different aspects that are appealing. The 3.5 edition rules are easier to modify and may require less work, but fourth edition rules allow for a lot of customization, which is very appealing.

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      Change any "spells" to "alchemy." In the world of "Fullmetal Alchemist," there is no magic. While alchemy seems magical, it is considered science. Spells like "Magic Missile," a spell of pure magical energy, will not fit in with the "Fullmetal Alchemist" world, but you can change the spell title and flavor text to fit better. You can also create your own spells, which will take longer but will make the world seem more complete.

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      Create an "alchemist" class. Most of your players will probably want to be "Fullmetal Alchemist" style alchemists. The "wizard" or "sorcerer" classes are easily adapted for this. For instance, the 3.5 edition "sorcerer" class could be modified to represent a naturally talented alchemist who has a few similar but powerful abilities. The "wizard" class could be modified to represent an alchemist who studies often and has many abilities, but no powerful ones. Remember, alchemists in the story have "themed" abilities, such as Roy Mustang's fire abilities. Allow your players to choose a theme, and design the game rules so that choosing new "alchemy" abilities (spells) within that theme makes their character more powerful. In addition, using abilities that don't go with the theme makes their characters weaker; for example, Roy Mustang is ineffective as a fighter if it is raining.

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      Design other classes. You may have players don't want to be an alchemist. The "fighter" class is one that is particularly easy to modify. Give your players access to weapons appropriate to "Fullmetal Alchemist." For instance, many people carry guns in the story. Adapt the statistics and rules of a bow or crossbow to be a handgun or rifle instead. In addition, if you find that the players who are "alchemists" are more powerful than other player's characters, you can add items to the game to help even things out.

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      Create villains. Homunculi are common villains in "Fullmetal Alchemist;" you can modify a monster with similar abilities to be a homunculus. For instance, a zombie could easily be adapted to be a weak homunculus, but with an intelligence score. Other alchemists also make good villains. In the story, the character Scar has abilities that are specifically targeted against alchemists, so you could create a character with abilities that temporarily or permanently damage the abilities of alchemist characters by giving them a penalty to attacks, skill checks or saves.

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      Create the world. "Fullmetal Alchemist" has both very rural and very urban settings, which leaves you a variety of locations to choose from. Characters in the story have access to cars and trains. Decide how much travel will cost and how fast it can transport characters. In the story "Fullmetal Alchemist," it is possible to replace limbs with fully-functional artificial limbs; a character may lose a limb in battle or even want to get a prosthetic on purpose to make themselves more powerful. Determine how much this will cost and what getting one involves.

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      Create adventures. This will vary depending upon whether your players enjoy lots of battle, lots of role-play or a mixture of both. Creating good villains with clear agendas makes this easier. Use what you know of the player character's abilities, weaknesses and backgrounds to give them challenges. You can also use the terrain to make an interesting battle; for instance, a battle across the rooftops of a city, or a battle in a narrow aisle of a train. Look to the original story "Fullmetal Alchemist" for inspiration, noting interesting places or situations. © HT Games