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Yugioh List of Gemini Monsters

The role-playing card game Yu-Gi-Oh pits heroes versus villains and men against monsters. Gemini Monsters, or Dual Monsters, are powerful monsters that can be summoned twice: once to appear on the battle field and a second to increase their powers. They belong to the Effect Monster category and require a Normal Summoning before being able to use their effects. All Gemini Monsters are treated as Normal Monsters on the field until they are Gemini Summoned. A Gemini Summon is the same as a Normal Summon except that the monster is already face-up on the field. Gemini Monsters are categorized by their elemental attribute and feature various abilities and attributes.
  1. Water Element

    • Five Gemini Monsters belong to the water element. Alien Hypno, a Level 4 Reptile (Atk 1600, Def 700) allows you to control an opponent's monster with an A-Counter. Aquarian Alessa is a Level 4 Aqua (Atk 1500 Def 500) that, after winning a battle, forces your opponent to randomly discard one card. The Level 4 Sea Serpent Gemini Lancer (Atk 1800 Def 1400) inflicts battle damage equal to the difference between your attack and your opponent's defense. Magical Reflect Slime, a Level 3 Aqua (Atk 700 Def 1200) can reverse the damage inflicted on you onto your opponent's monster. The Level 4 Fish monster Phantom Dragonray Bronto (Atk 1500 Def 1000) cannot be moved in battle.

    Earth Element

    • Four Gemini monsters focus on the earth-element. Your opponent cannot use spells or traps if you play the Ancient Gear Knight, a Level 4 Machine monster (Atk 1800 Def 500). The Level 6 Plant monster Gigaplant (Atk 2400 Def 1200) allows you to summon one Level 1 Insect or Plant monster each turn. Goggle Golem is a Level 4 Rock monster (Atk 1500 Def 500) has the ability to increase Attack skill to 2100. The Insect monster Grasschopper is a Level 4 monster (Atk 2350 Def 1000) can attack all monsters in the field.

    Fire Element

    • Five fire-based monsters are available. Blazewing Butterfly, a Level 4 Insect monster, has an Attack and Defense of 1500. The Level 6 Dragon monster Chthonian Emperor Dragon has an Attack of 2400 and a Defense of 1500. This monster can attack twice in each battle round. Evocator Chevalier, a Level 4 Warrior, features 1900 for Attack and 900 for Defense. King Pyron is a Level 5 Pyro monster (Atk 1500 Def 500) can inflict 1000 damage to your opponent per turn. The final fire-based monster is Phoenix Gearfried, a Level 8 Warrior (Atk 2800 Def 2200) can destroy spell or trap cards on the field.

    Wind Element

    • Only three Gemini Monsters belong to the wind element. Gemini Soldier is a Level 2 Warrior (Atk 500 Def 300) who can prevent his death once per turn. Lucky Pied Piper is a Level 4 Faerie (Atk 1500 Def 500) that gives you one card per defeated monster. The Level 4 Spellcaster Tuned Magician (Atk 1800 Def 1600) is treated as a Tuner Monster.

    Light Element

    • Four Gemini Monsters utilize light. Crusader of Endymion is a Level 6 Spellcaster (Atk 1900 Def 1200) who can use Spell Counter. The Level 3 Warrior Dawnbreak (Atk 1500 Def 500) increases its Defense attribute to 2300 once Gemini Summoned. Elemental Hero Neos Alius (Atk 1900 Def 1300) is a Level 4 Warrior who is treated as an Elemental Hero. Future Samurai is a Level 4 Warrior (Atk 1600 Def 1200) that allows you to use an Equip card in the Graveyard to destroy an opponent's card.

    Dark Element

    • Five Monsters use the dark element. Both Shadow Delver (Atk 1500 Def 500) and Infinity Dark (Atk 1500 Def 1200) are Level 4 Fiends. The former allows you to attack with any Level 4 or lower Dark monster, while the latter allows you to change the positions at the beginning of the battle stage. Il Blud is a Level 6 Zombie (Atk 2100 Def 800) that when destroyed, takes all Zombie monsters with it. Doom Shaman is a Level 6 Spellcaster (Atk 2400 Def 2000) that summons one monster per turn. The Level 4 Faerie Dark Valkyria (Atk 1800 Def 1050) gains 300 Atk for each Spell Counter card used. © HT Games