HT Games

Places to Smelt Gold Located in World of Warcraft

"World of Warcraft," or "WoW," is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game for the PC. In this fantasy world of Azeroth, you make a character and perform quests until the character has reached the highest level possible. In addition to quests, characters can choose two professions to level. These professions include alchemy, blacksmithing, enchanting, engineering, herbalism, inscription, jewelcrafting, leatherworking, mining, skinning and tailoring. The mining profession involves collecting mineral veins in rocks, caves and mountains that must be smelted to become items that can be used in blacksmithing, engineering and jewelcrafting.
  1. Training

    • In order to become a miner, and to continue mining, you must receive training. Mining trainers are found in all of the major cities -- you can ask a guard for directions to the trainer. You gain points the more you use the mining skill. You start off as an Apprentice (zero to 75 points) and, as you level the skill up, you will become a Journeyman (50 to 150), Expert (125 to 225), Artisan (200 to 300), Master (275 to 375) and, finally, Grand Master (350 to 450).

      Your character must be at least Level 5 to start a profession, 10 to become a Journeyman, 20 to become an Expert, 35 to become an Artisan, 50 to become a Master and 55 to become a Grand Master. Master miner trainers are only found in Outland, and Grand Master trainers are only found in Northrend.


    • After you have started training, you will need to purchase a mining pick from a trade or specialty merchant. As long as you have your pick in your bag, you can mine. The merchants are usually right next to the trainers. On the upper right of the screen, you will find a mini-map with a magnifying glass on the edge. Click on the magnifying glass -- one of the options will be "find minerals." Check the box so that the minerals will appear on your mini-map while you are traveling. You start with copper, then progress through tin, silver, bronze and iron before reaching gold at Level 155. You retrieve the gold by right-clicking on the appropriate vein and, after you have succeeded, a loot window will pop up and you can remove the gold.


    • After collecting the gold ore, you have to find a forge. At the forge, you can smelt the gold ore into bars, allowing them to be useable in crafting recipes. You do not need to click on the forge to use it, just stand near. Open your abilities book by pressing "P." This shows you all of your mining abilities. Find and click on the smelting icon to open your recipe book. Smelt the gold by pressing on the correct recipe and pushing the "Create" or "Create all" button. The gold ore will then be turned to gold bars.

    Forge Locations

    • Forges are found in every big city but can also be found in smaller villages around Azeroth. In Kalimdor, forges can be found in places such as Ashenvale, The Barrens, Darkshore, Durotar, Feralas, Mulgore, Tanaris, Un'Goro Crater and Winterspring. In Eastern Kingdoms, forges can be found in places such as Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Burning Steppes, Duskwood, Eastern and Western Plaguelands, Elwynn Forest, Eversong Woods, Stranglethorn Vale, Swamp of Sorrows, Tirisfal Glades and Wetlands. In Outland, forges can be found in places such as Blade's Edge, Hellfire Peninsula, Netherstorm, Terokkar Forest and Zangarmarsh. In Northrend, forges can be found in Borean Tundra, Dragonblight, Howling Fjord, Icecrown, The Storm Peaks and Wintergrasp. There are several additional forges found in the world. © HT Games