HT Games

Team Work Exercises

Kids and adults can benefit from teamwork exercises. You can perform these exercises in a classroom setting or in an office/corporate setting. Teamwork exercises use real life situations and games to help people build skills to work together to solve a problem. These games are easy to incorporate into a class lesson or a corporate training day.
  1. Helium Stick

    • Helium Stick is a game which helps small- to medium-sized groups communicate and work better together. Those in the group must stand facing each other, stretch their arms out and point their index fingers. Then, a long, lightweight rod is rested on top of their fingers. The group must successfully lower the rod to the ground without removing their index fingers from the rod, grabbing or pinching the rod. If the group makes a mistake, the task must be restarted. This helps the group develop communication skills and also work as a team to accomplish a goal.

    Toxic Waste

    • Toxic Waste is a common teamwork exercise used in small groups. The game lasts about 30 to 45 minutes, perfect for a corporate training session. A small bucket is placed in the center of an 8-foot circle, filled with water and labeled toxic waste. Farther away from the toxic waste, a neutralization bucket is placed. Several equipment items (ropes, bungee cords, etc.) are provided to the group. As a whole, the group must figure out how to get the toxic waste into the neutralization bucket so that it can be neutralized. This must be done with only the material provided and within a certain time frame. In addition, the group must remain outside of the circle. The group is forced to work together as a team and is given the feeling of stress, so it helps them cope with these factors in the real world.

    Alone and Together

    • The group is divided into two teams. One team will complete a sudoku puzzle together, and the other team is given the same puzzle, but must complete it individually. Then, after that task is complete, another puzzle is handed out and the teams responsibilities are reversed. This way, each group sees how much easier it is to complete a task when people work together, as opposed to separately. © HT Games