HT Games

How to Role Play a Halfling Character in a Dungeons and Dragons Campaign

Each of the players in a campaign of the pen and paper role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons takes on the role of a unique fantasy character. Players who choose to role-play a halfling character can work as a foil to the more serious aspects of the game, throwing an element of levity into what can be a dark and brooding game.

Things You'll Need

  • Dungeons and Dragon Rulebooks
  • Character Sheet
  • Dice
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      Decide if your halfling is a diligent entrepreneur always ready to pounce on a opportunity or if he falls into the standard stereotype of a thief constantly on the look out for a gullible mark.

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      Complicate situations whenever possible to reflect your halfling's desire to experience interesting new things and stave off tedium. Say the wrong thing at the exact wrong time to make trouble, but don't ever allow the desire for new experiences lead to obviously suicidal situations.

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      Determine if you would rather play a good-natured halfling or if you are more mean spirited in your trouble making and attempts to gain wealth. This decision will act as a springboard to choose which of the nine main alignments your halfling will follow.

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      Remain upbeat and positive in all but the most desperate or dismal of situations, as halflings have a tendency to always see the bright side of things.

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      Follow the old adage of living life to the fullest when role-playing your halfling character. Take great relish in any act you commit, whether it be enjoying a fine ale, smoking out of a new pipe, picking a particularly elaborate lock or fighting off a clan of orc shamans.

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      Act as the face of the party or a go-between among creatures of different races whenever finesse or guile would work better than intimidation. © HT Games