HT Games

How to Role Play a Chaotic Good Character in a Dungeons and Dragons Campaign

The pen-and-paper role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons allows you to take on the role of a larger-than-life character in a fantasy setting who acts differently than you would normally act in reality. If you choose to play a chaotic good character, you will have the opportunity to act like the most common type of hero exemplified in modern fiction. This alignment can be the most fun to play because it allows you to ignore things such as tradition and social taboos, and instead work directly to overcome evil.

Things You'll Need

  • Game rule books
  • Pencils
  • Dice
  • Character sheet
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      Attempt to commit good actions and help people in need wherever you go, but do not be ashamed of expecting to be rewarded for your hard work.

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      Ignore protocols and go for the most direct route to solve a problem. While your lawful good paladin companion may want to ask the baron for permission to search his keep for an enemy you are hunting down, you would simply sneak in when no one was looking and start investigating.

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      Disregard laws, traditions and taboos when they stand in the way of truth or justice. As a chaotic good character, you should have no hesitation about pointing out the embarrassing crimes of a powerful noble in front of his family or associates, and have no compunctions about violating a private funeral to catch a murderer.

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      Follow your conscience, even when it could get you in trouble with the law. If an evil merchant has been systematically bankrupting his competitors and causing their families to starve, but is absolved of any wrong doing because of a technicality, then you would probably feel justified in hunting him down and imposing your own vigilante justice.

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      Help those who are unable to protect themselves and always be compassionate towards the less fortunate. Much like the legendary Robin Hood, a chaotic good character would steal the ill-gotten gains of the decadent rich and distribute them among the downtrodden poor.

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      Temper your chaotic actions with benevolence and a need to make the world a better place. Unlike a chaotic neutral character, who would simply do anything she pleases without regard to consequences to complete any given task, you should be unwilling to let innocents come to harm. While you might be willing to overlook some minor criminal acts in order to thwart a greater problem, in general you should refuse to work directly with people or creatures who are entirely evil. © HT Games