HT Games

How to Host a Guild Party in World of Warcraft

So you've joined a guild, everybody's having a good time, but you want to throw a party! Where to throw it? What to bring? What to do? So many choices!


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      Find a good spot. There are lots of places to throw parties that are easy for people to get to. Make sure that all your guild mates can get there! No one wants to have a party in the Burning Steppes! Capital cities are great party spots! Everyone can get there, food and drink are readily available, and there are lots of choice spots to host a party. Ironforge in particular is great since it has lots of empty rooms.

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      Try to coordinate a time when most of your guildies will be on. While it is nearly impossible to get everyone together at a single time (since most of us have lives outside of World of Warcraft and have other obligations), try your best to find a time that works. Evenings and weekends usually work well.

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      Let everyone know when you're throwing the party! If your guild has a Web site or forums that you can post on, do so! Spread the word! Nothing stinks worse than a one-man party!

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      Bring refreshments! The surest, quickest way to get people having a good time really quickly is to get their characters nice and toasty! Again, capital cities are great because they all have inns.

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      Bring food! Lots of foods can be brought to a party, including ice cream! Everyone loves free food!

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      Arrange some entertainment, perhaps in the form of a troupe of dancing gnomes! If dancing gnomes are unavailable, you could go to an event as a guild! The Darkmoon Faire is always fun, and there are several guilds that put on theater productions on a regular basis. Check them out!

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      Take care of guild business. If you happen to be an officer and have some things that need addressing, a guild party is a great place to take a minute and go over things with folks.

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      Raid! Nothing is more fun than to get a guild together, toss back some frosty ones, then bottle your courage and go raiding! Lots of low-level instances make great fodder for a bunch of guildies just looking for a good time!

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      Get to know each other! Socializing at guild parties is a great way to meet people, just as it is with real parties. Talk to people you don't know too well and who knows, you could make some new friends!

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      Try something outlandish! Lots of guilds get together to do crazy stuff! Check out some of the World of Warcraft videos on the Internet and you'll see. How about a 40-person raid of level 1 gnomes running through Ironforge and Stormwind to go kill Hogger in Elwynn Forest? It is a RIOT to see! Think of something no one has done before, get your guildies together and who knows what will happen! You might make history! © HT Games