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How to Crush the Bosses on Peragus and Telos in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2

There are several bosses in Knights of the Old Republic 2, none of which should be taken lightly. However, given the right equipment, skills and preparation, you can make a mockery out of all but the last 2 of them. This will cover the bosses from the start of the game up to Telos. SPOILER ALERT!


  1. Peragus and HK-50

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      The first boss you will encounter is the silver-clad HK-50 that has caused so much trouble on the station in order to get to you. He takes you by surprise as you, Atton and Kreia are attempting to make your exit. Have your grenades and blasters ready.

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      Watch out! The first thing he will do is spawn a ring of floating mines in front of him. Use blasters and grenades to take these out. DO NOT charge him with a sword! The mines will either blow up in your face or come after you!

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      Blast 'em, Atton! Atton is a shooter; it's what he does best (until he becomes a Jedi.) Give him a blaster and let him go to town.

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      Let Kreia be flexible. At this point, she can either use a sword or blaster pistol. If you feel you need another shooter, let her hang back with the blaster. If you want her to do the Custer Charge, give her the sword and tell her what to do.

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      Keep an ear out! When HK-50's life gets low and he knows he's been beaten, he will activate a quick-fuse self-destruct. You wont have much time to get away, so haul it! Being caught in the blast HURTS!

    Citadel Station and The Exchange

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      Don't be intimidated. Lopak Slusk may be sitting behind a desk with some big guards and a pair of blaster turrets next to him, but depending on how you played your cards, Luxa can either be on your side, or against both of you. Either way, she ends up helping for the time being.

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      Get in close. This fight takes place in a very small area, so blasters are ill-advised. Slusk's guards are also toting axes, so it's best to use melee weapons.

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      No grenades! In tight quarters such as this battle presents, grenades are as much a hazard to you as they are to the enemy! You probably won't have much heavy armor at this point, so do yourself a favor and leave the grenades in your backpack.

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      Get the guards! Take the big guys out first; they are the ones that put the biggest stress on you. Slusk and his turrets are no big deal since they ignore the fact that fighting space is limited and use blasters (can't blame the turrets, but Slusk, come on!).

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      Watch your back! Again, depending on how you played your cards, Luxa may be with or against you. Be aware though that if she appeared to be with you at the beginning, once Slusk is finished, she will come after you. Now its her turn. She will be a bit worn down from the previous fight (if you haven't already taken her down.)

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      Get Luxa first! Contrary to Slusk, who insists on using blasters and has little melee skill, Luxa is an old hand with a sword and Bothan Stunner. Take her down first before you bother with her guards.

    Telos and the Tank Droid

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      Be prepared. This big guy lumbers around, making him a large and easy target. Use blasters and grenades from behind the barriers (the big metal things partially blocking the way into the hangar) until you run out. Use Ion Grenades first.

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      Close the distance. The Tank Droid likes to use blasters and grenades on you as well. When you're done throwing yours, run up to him and start chipping away at him with vibroblades. He has no melee ability, so he should be a breeze. © HT Games