You must destroy 33 security cameras to earn the Camera Shy Achievement. While the game includes dozens and dozens of cameras, not all cameras can be destroyed. The required cameras can be found on 12 specific levels. Levels 15 and 16 include five cameras each. Levels 2, 3, 5, 13 and 19 feature three cameras each. Levels 4, 17 and 18 include two cameras each. Finally, Levels 10 and 11 each contain one camera.
Level 10
After four consecutive levels without an achievement-eligible camera, the game hides one camera in plain sight on Level 10. In the test chamber's first room, locate the tall stairs. The steps are too high for you to climb. Instead, create a portal in the floor and pass through to be flung to the top of the steps. Now look above and to the left of the third step to find the camera.
Level 11
The other one-camera level, Level 11 poses a challenge to many gamers who often miss the camera. When you exit the elevator, run up the stairs and turn around. There, above the hallway you just exited, hangs the camera. Many players never bother to turn around and miss the camera entirely.
Level 19
The achievement's final three cameras rest in Level 19. Enter the first room and climb atop the elevated area next to the platform. The first camera is on the wall to your left. Next, enter the little room to the left of the locked door to find the second camera located along the left wall. In the same corridor with the locked door, you encounter a bouncing energy ball. The third camera is on the wall beyond the energy ball and directly in front of you.
To earn the Camera Shy Achievement, you must destroy all 33 cameras on a single save. If you stop and save the game midway through your quest, and then return later to reload the game, you will be unable to go back and get any missed cameras. You're allowed to die and begin again at your most recent save point, but once the maps reload, it's too late; you must destroy the cameras in one sitting.