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Borderlands Max Money Cheats

"Borderlands," a first-person shooter with a science fiction theme, casts you as a fortune hunter on the planet Pandora who's determined to reach The Vault, a mysterious alien structure rumored to contain untold riches. Along the way, you must survive a desolate landscape full of marauding enemies while collecting loot and other items. The game includes a few cheats and tricks to help you maximize your money.
  1. Gas Station

    • When you get off the bus at the beginning, turn left and look for the dilapidated gas station. While it may not seem like much, the gas station contains several money crates, providing an early influx of cash. Search the station's roof to find a weapons crate.


    • When the game opens, a scrap robot leads you on a tour. Follow the robot all the way to the campsite with the burning tires next to the car that's up on a lift. Kill the enemies there and collect all the money and guns along the way. Once you empty out the campsite, pause the game and exit. The game saves your character level and money. Yet when you restart the game, you start back at the beginning of the tour, allowing you to load up on more money. Repeat the same trick as many times as you want for easy financial gain.

    New Haven

    • Upon reaching New Haven, make your way to the save/transport post near Scooter. Save your game. Now, collect five treasure chests in town. The first chest sits on the rooftop of the building directly right of the save post. For the second chest, turn directly left from the save post, go up the stairs, cross the wood plank, jump the railing to the neighboring building and then go around the corner to the right. From this second chest location, look for a red tarp hanging over a platform. Jump onto the tarp to find the third chest. You earn the fourth treasure for completing the Claptrap Rescue and can find the chest in the shed across the courtyard. You find the fifth and final chest behind the big antenna on the roof of the building directly in front of the save post. Once you've collected all five chests, sell what you don't need, save your game and then exit. When you log back in, you'll have all your money but will be able to collect all five treasures again. Repeat as often as you want.


    • Before playing your first solo game of Borderlands, go online and play a match with the highest-ranking player you can find, ideally someone at level 55 or higher. Hang back and wait for the other player to kill enemies and then hustle to collect any dropped weapons and money. You can sell any unwanted weapons for extra cash. This trick allows you to bank money and stockpile experience points before ever venturing on your own solo campaign. © HT Games