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Games to Help a Couple Communicate

Relationships require constant communication both verbally and nonverbally, which is why it is important to learn to communicate with each other in a fun way. Whether you are alone or with other couples, organize a few games to gain a better understanding of each other and deal with your relationship concerns.
  1. Guessing Games

    • Couples can play a game of charades against other couples to help them better communicate with each other. One person must act out an animal, name of a movie or famous person. The partner has one minute to guess the correct answer. If they get it correct, they earn a point. The couple with the most points at the end of the game wins. Couples at home can write down random words like snake, toaster and tree on index cards. They must sit at a table and grab one card, without looking, and place it on their foreheads. They can ask each other 10 random yes or no questions to try to guess what is on the card. Guessing games help couples communicate by having them work together and help them better understand how the other thinks.

    Board Games

    • Board games are an entertaining way for couples to interact and improve their communication skills. Play a game of Scrabble, in which players must build words from letter tiles. Use the words as a conversation starter, as particular words might trigger meaningful memories. Conversations build strong communication. Settlers of Catan is another board game that helps couples communicate. They must build and trade, and learn to communicate with each other to make a fair deal. Play these games alone or with a group. Couples must work together and communicate in order to do well at this game.

    Drawing Games

    • Drawing games, such as Pictionary, help couples communicate nonverbally. Use a chalkboard or dry erase board to draw a picture your partner must guess. Play the games with other players or alone at home. Another idea is to draw a picture of a special memory and have your partner try to guess it. In these types of games, couples must rely on their artistic skills in order to build strong communication skills. The games have them use communication skills to work together to achieve a goal.

    Role Playing

    • Couples can role play each other̵7;s part in the relationship to get a better understanding of each other. Perception is reality and when you perceive perception incorrectly, it can cause conflict and argument. Role play a scenario like coming home after work. The girlfriend must play the boyfriend and he must be the girlfriend. Have them say things they think the other would say to help them learn how to communicate with each other. Role playing helps them understand each other and build strong communication skills. © HT Games