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Patience Building Games

Patience-building games are great not only for lazy, rainy afternoons when kids are cooped up inside the house, but also for teaching the young ones (and some adults) about the virtue of being patient. Some of these games can easily be played online, while others will require active participation among multiple people.
  1. Mother, May I?

    • Teaching patience to little kids requires some creativity. The game ̶0;Mother, May I?̶1; is for small children. The ̶0;mother̶1; (which can be one of the children) stands on a goal line, while the players stand on a starting line 15 feet away. The mother will call out someone from the group to take any number of steps, such as three baby steps or two big steps.

      However, before that person takes the specified steps, he or she must first ask permission, ̶0;Mother, may I?̶1; and wait for the permission to be given. If permission was not asked before moving forward, then the player must return to the starting line. Once a player has reached the goal line, that person will be the next ̶0;mother.̶1;

    I Spy

    • I spy needs patience and good observation skills that require spotting and locating a specific object. A person can be designated to become the first one to name a specific object while the rest will compete to see who can spot it. The person who can spot it first can then name the next object to spy. The person naming the object will usually just name the color of the object, or sometimes the shape. If you only have one child, there are also ̶0;I Spy̶1; books available.

    Solitaire Games

    • There are numerous variations of the game solitaire; however, one thing they all have in common is that they all require patience. If you don̵7;t have a deck of cards, then head to the nearest PC. In one popular version of the game, the layout consists of seven main columns, each subsequent column with one more card than the previous column. In all columns, all cards are face-down except for the top one. The goal is to create four piles of cards, each containing cards of individual suits starting from the ace and ending in the king.


    • If there̵7;s one game of fame that requires patience combined with concentration, then chess is it. The game features a checkered board with several pieces per player. Each piece (which comes in different types) has its own spaces to which it can be moved within the rules of the game. The goal is to capture the opponent̵7;s king, placing you in a position to declare ̶0;checkmate.̶1; Each move must be carefully planned out; players need the patience to not only guess the opponent̵7;s move on the next play, but also several plays down the line. © HT Games