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List of Characters in LEGO Harry Potter for PS3

"LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4" for the PS3 puts a comedic twist on the Harry Potter saga, rendering Harry and his fellow characters in LEGO building blocks. The game contains a total of 167 different playable characters. To unlock new ones, you must first find hidden character tokens throughout the game, with each token representing a specific individual. The tokens give you the opportunity to purchase the respective characters from a shop in Diagon Alley. Prices vary depending on the character's importance. 
  1. Harry - Blue Shirt

    • The game includes many versions of Harry wearing different outfits. In the Great Hall Foyer at Hogwarts, disguise yourself as a Hufflepuff character and wave at the painting. Red drapes will part to reveal a staircase. At the base of the stairs you'll find a character token for Harry with a blue shirt, which will cost you 30,000 coins.


    • While playing in Story Mode, you can find a character token for Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest. At one point you'll be able to blast some boulders so they roll down through a tree. Follow close to the boulders and emerge in a new area with a treasure chest. Use Reducto magic to shatter the chest's lock and get Hagrid's token costing 50,000 coins.

    Hermione - Grey Hood

    • You can also find several versions of Hermionel. Go to the Owlery Tower at Hogwarts and climb along the back ledge to the right. You should see a maze pattern on the wall. Use your magic to guide an egg from the upper left corner through the maze, guiding it out the exit and onto the floor. An owl will hatch from the egg. Now use your magic to blast the eggshell debris, transforming it into a bridge. Climb the bridge into a recess on the right that includes a character token for Hermione wearing a grey hooded top. This Hermione token costs 57,500 coins. 

    Mad-Eye Moody

    • From the covered courtyard area of Hogwarts, go through the left of the two doors to enter the second Charms Lesson Area. Once inside, head to the left to find a locked hatch. Use Reducto magic to break the lock and then drop through the hatch's opening. Move to the far right to discover two large eggs. Crack the eggs open with magic and then use the Wingardium Leviosa levitation spell to drop the eggs on a slumbering dragon, which will roar awake and cause Mad-Eye Moody's character token to appear. It costs 225,000 coins. 

    Professor Dumbledore

    • At Hogwarts, go to the top of the Grand Staircase and enter Dumbledore's Office. Make sure you're using a character with Dark Magic, like Lucius. Head to the back of the office and find  a small room behind the big desk. The room contains a treasure chest that can only be opened with Dark Magic. Inside the chest is the character token for Professor Dumbledore, which costs 1,000,000 coins. © HT Games