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Dark Omen Cheats

A real-time tactical war game for the PC, "Warhammer: Dark Omen" is the sequel to "Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat" and continues the same theme of unit-based battlefield tactics carried out over a 3D landscape. In "Dark Omen," you get to command artillery, archers, infantry and cavalry to wage war with wizards, goblins and assorted other foes in a fantasy realm. The game features several cheats to manipulate play and improve your chances of victory.
  1. Cheat Codes

    • If you get tired of fighting, type in the cheat code "overbychristmas" at the main menu and you'll be able to win any battle by simply pressing F12. Or you can always use the cheat code "bennyhill" to speed up the entire game. The code "smeghead" depicts everyone with small heads, and the code "squarewindow" opens up a zoom window. 

    Book Cheats

    • To gain access to some bookkeeping cheats, type "fudgeislush" at the main menu. Now, press CTRL and C and G at the same time to add 1000 to your money supply. Pressing CTRL and C and T will subtract 1000 from your money. Pressing CTRL and C and E will increase any selected battle unit's experience. Finally, pressing CTRL and C and U will render any selected unit unbreakable.

    Roster Cheats

    • On the roster menu screen, enter "dontmesswithme" to activate roster cheats. Then press CTRL and C and F at the same time to grant full experience to all your battle units. Pressing CTRL and C and I will make any selected unit invulnerable. Pressing CTRL and C and M will provide all magic items.

    Level Cheats

    • Certain cheat codes will even allow you to skip to specific level missions. At the main menu, enter "thelivinggem" to jump directly to the Great Forest 1. The code "handyman" will take you to the Great Forest 8. Entering "ridethestorm" skips you to the Axebite Pass 4. Using "youandi" moves you to the Altdorf 8. 

    Battle Cheats

    • Typing "bringemon" at the main menu activates battle cheats, allowing you to press F12 to skip a battle. Holding CTRL enables the selection of enemy units. Holding K while firing grants perfect accuracy for any selected ballistic unit. Pressing W increases available magic points. For two additional battle cheats, enter "looklively" at the main menu. Now holding D and clicking on a unit will destroy the unit, or holding R will give any selected ballistic unit rapid fire capability. © HT Games