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Trust Building Experiential Activities

Trust building experiential activities help people develop openness, understanding, mutual respect and trust. Trust building activities also build teamwork and communication skills needed for everyday life. Prepare activities for use at home, school, church or any organization to build trust.
  1. Human Spring Activities

    • Each player must select a partner. Ask each pair to stand facing each other with their hands in front of them and their palms facing outward. Tell them to stand about a foot apart. Both people fall forward together, catching themselves in the middle with their hands. After they catch themselves, they must spring back up to a standing position without losing their balance. Make the activity more challenging by having the players stand farther apart or on one foot. This activity teaches players how to trust one another by knowing they will always catch each other in the middle.

    Blindfold Activities

    • Ask each player to select a partner. Have one player in each pair wear a blindfolded. The player who can see takes her partner̵7;s hand and walks with her in a large, open area. After they walk for about one minute, have the partners skip, then jog and then run. The blindfolded partner must trust her partner while doing these activities. Rest for 10 minutes, and then have the partners switch blindfolds and do it again. Another idea is to have the partner verbally command the blindfolded partner across an obstacle course of soft item. Alternatively, make it a race by having several blindfolded players on the obstacle course at once while their partners verbally guide them to the finish line. The team who successfully completes the course first wins the game. This teaches players to work together and trust one another.

    Trust Fall Activities

    • Divide players into groups of three. One at a time, each player must fall backwards into the arms of the other two players. Allow each person in the group a chance to fall. Keep doing this activity with different players in each group to build trust between all the players. With a large group, have everyone walk around the room. At anytime, a player can yell, ̶0;Falling!̶1; The player will immediately start to fall backwards. The other players must catch him. If two people yell at the same time, the group has to make sure to catch both players. Another variant is to have one player stand on a platform, and then fall into the arms of his peers. The platform should be about shoulder height to the players standing on the ground.

    Other Activities

    • Form a tight circle, with each player facing the back of the player in front of her. When you say "Sit," all players must try to sit in the lap of the player behind them. They must trust the player behind them will be there when they sit down. If they fall or the activity does not work, have them keep trying. Another variant of this activity is to split the players into pairs, and ask one partner to sit in a chair, while the other partner stands 10 feet in front of her with his back turned. The standing partner must close his eyes, while the sitting partner verbally guides him to sit in her lap. Switch partners regularly to encourage the entire group to trust one another. © HT Games