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Clairvoyant Games

A clairvoyant is a person who claims to have the ability to sense information about an individual or situation in an extrasensory manner. Just how real such claims are is open to debate, but that hasn't stopped game designers releasing titles based on the theme of clairvoyance. The majority of these are designed for either solitary or multiple players.
  1. Kreskin's ESP

    • Designed by 1960s TV personality The Amazing Kreskin, this board game is intended to be played alone, in pairs or in larger groups. The game actually has two components. The first features a deck of test cards. Players attempt to guess which symbols are present on a given card using only their own powers of extrasensory perception. The second part of this game involves swinging a pendulum over a board with "yes" and "no" written on it. Players aim to get answers to questions they're asked by watching where the pendulum swings to get clues.

    Guessing Card Game

    • A simple card game based around the concept of clairvoyance can be played by two people. Participants need a pack of ordinary playing cards to begin; more enthusiastic individuals can purchase a deck of Zenner cards, which feature symbols and different colors. One player picks a card at random from the deck; the other player simply has to guess the nature of this card using only his mind and no clues. To make it simpler, players should only guess the suit or even the color in a deck of playing cards. Players take turns at guessing and are awarded a point for each correct answer.

    Psychic Circle

    • This game is centered around the Ouija Board, referred to here as the Magical Message Indicator, and is intended for adults, either playing alone or in a group. This is less a game and more an evening's entertainment, as there's no competition here. Players simply think of a question, and the group holds the Indicator as it moves across the board. The board itself contains letters, words and numbers, which the Indicator stops at to answer whatever question the player was thinking of. According to folklore, a Ouija board allows people to talk to the dead, but most people would argue it's the ideomotor effect in action --- players move the Indicator subconsciously.

    That's So Raven: Psychic on the Scene

    • "That's So Raven: Psychic on the Scene" is a video game available on the Nintendo DS system. The game tracks the adventures of a teenage clairvoyant and is based on a Disney sitcom. The player guides Raven around a town, investigating mysteries by clicking on items and donning disguises. The player can use Raven's clairvoyance to help, but the trouble is that Raven's abilities are deliberately cloudy, giving her only unclear visions of the future. © HT Games